Dear Shannon, Part 2
NOTE: This assignment CANNOT be completed until you receive a letter from the instructor!
Copy and paste the letter you received in a document and write a response. Here are the things to include in your response letter.
In your introduction, list at least 5 points to be discussed in the response letter. (10 points)
Describe the interpersonal conflict in detail. (10 points)
Summarize the interpersonal conflict from that letter.
Relate the interpersonal conflict to at least two of the interpersonal communication principles explored in Week 5-7 of the course content. (10 points)
Response letter should reflect an understanding of at least five interpersonal communication principles and concepts covered in the course content for Weeks 5-7. Remember to bold the concepts. (15 points)
Suggest five practical ways to deal with conflict and poor listening in interpersonal relationships. (15 points)
Use communication terminologies to convey ideas from Week 4-7 course content.
The text should be 12-point Times Roman font and single-spaced, with all margins set at 1″. (5 points)
The letter should be between 2-3 pages long. (5 points)
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics should reflect the level of writing expected of a 100-level college student. (5 points)
Use the informal tone of a personal letter. (5 points)
Include fictitious name(s) in body and signature of the letter. (5 points)
Use APA-style in-text citations and end-of-text references for sourced material mentioned in body of paper.
Grading: For insight into your instructor’s expectations for this assignment, review the grading rubric.
Dear Shannon, Part 2
NOTE: This assignment CANNOT be completed until you receive a letter from the instructor!
Copy and paste the letter you received in a document and write a response. Here are the things to include in your response letter.
In your introduction, list at least 5 points to be discussed in the response letter. (10 points)
Describe the interpersonal conflict in detail. (10 points)
Summarize the interpersonal conflict from that letter.
Relate the interpersonal conflict to at least two of the interpersonal communication principles explored in Week 5-7 of the course content. (10 points)
Response letter should reflect an understanding of at least five interpersonal communication principles and concepts covered in the course content for Weeks 5-7. Remember to bold the concepts. (15 points)
Suggest five practical ways to deal with conflict and poor listening in interpersonal relationships. (15 points)
Use communication terminologies to convey ideas from Week 4-7 course content.
The text should be 12-point Times Roman font and single-spaced, with all margins set at 1″. (5 points)
The letter should be between 2-3 pages long. (5 points)
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics should reflect the level of writing expected of a 100-level college student. (5 points)
Use the informal tone of a personal letter. (5 points)
Include fictitious name(s) in body and signature of the letter. (5 points)
Use APA-style in-text citations and end-of-text references for sourced material mentioned in body of paper.
Grading: For insight into your instructor’s expectations for this assignment, review the grading rubric.