Focus on Data-driven Curriculum Design for Instructional Differentiation Presentation Role: You are an assistant principal at your school.
Goal: Foster teachers’ and administrators’ understanding of the need for assuring instructional focus by using differentiated instructional teaching strategies.
Product: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (10+ slides) for the teachers at your school to understand the need to assuring instructional focus through differentiation of instruction. Follow the assignment guidelines in the Canvas course. Be sure to include at least four (4) peer-reviewed scholarly research sources.
Scenario: Based on the quarterly formative assessment results, 42% of the total student body is not meeting standards in several key areas regarding language arts. Of that total, 87% of the students reflect an inability to structure extended writing responses in a clear, cohesive manner. 77% of the students struggle with providing supporting evidence when making a declarative statement in support of the main idea. 75% of the students do not demonstrate mastery of basic punctuation. Finally, 70% of the students cannot synthesize and summarize the key points in an extended narrative passage. Now you have been charged by your principal to develop a presentation on differentiated instruction for an in-service. The focus should not be solely on language arts; however, use the data and examples to demonstrate how you would approach differentiation regarding student instruction.
Guiding questions:
1. What is differentiated instruction?
2. What are the warning signs to watch for to help us know that differentiation is needed?
3. How can we use data to help us know when it is especially important? What does the data in this scenario tell us?
4. What specific instructional strategies can we use to address the mastery gaps in the key areas of this scenario?
5. More importantly, how does that apply to instruction in general?
6. How do we manage the classroom when students are working on different activities or standards at the same time?
7. What additional action steps should the school implement based on the data?
8. How will you measure to see if the differentiation measure made a positive difference?
Exceeded (5 pts)
Meet (4 pts)
Not Met (1 pts)
The assignment clearly and comprehensively addressed the assignment prompt.
The analysis of the data was detailed and insightful. The conclusions and recommendations drawn from the analysis were practical, actionable, and clearly focused on differentiating instruction. The analysis by the author demonstrated a deep understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors.
The assignment appropriately addressed the assignment prompt.
The analysis of the data was detailed. The conclusions and recommendations drawn from the analysis were practical, actionable, and clearly focused on differentiating instruction.
The analysis by the author
demonstrated an understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors.
The assignment failed to address the assignment prompt clearly and comprehensively. The analysis of the data was not detailed. The conclusions and recommendations drawn from the analysis were not practical, actionable, and/or clearly focused on
differentiating instruction.
The analysis by the author demonstrated a lack of or minimal understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors.
PowerPoint presentation was visually very appealing, and the design made the message very easy to follow and understand.
It incorporated pictures, text, and other media elements very effectively. It came across as a professional-level presentation.
PowerPoint presentation was visually appealing, and the design made the message easy to follow and understand.
It incorporated several media elements effectively.
PowerPoint presentation is not visually appealing, and the design makes the message difficult to follow and understand. It used minimal to no media elements; and when used they were not effective.
APA 7 edition format followed. (0 errors found)
APA 7 edition format followed consistently. (1 to 2 errors found)
Numerous (3 or more) APA 7 edition format errors were present