Purpose: To Inform your Audience about the best choice of a corporate philanthropy for Global Mind.
Audience: Your boss (the company’s owner) and your company’s advisory board.
Situation: Corporate Philanthropy Initiative for Global Mind [footnoteRef:1] : Great news! Global Mind, the start-up company where you work, has become successful, growing, and making a substantial profit. The owner, Ms. Tahani Al-Jamil, wants Global Mind to become involved in some form of corporate philanthropy/charity . Ms. Al-Jamil, does not have time to check out the possibilities for Global Mind, so she asks you, her executive assistant, to conduct and analyze research on this issue and recommend a specific philanthropy and implementation model to her and the board of directors at the next board meeting. Note: Corporate social responsibility exists in many forms, but you must focus on an existing philanthropy/charity. You are not choosing “a cause”; you are picking an existing philanthropy. [1: Global Mind is a fictitious company existing only for the purposes of this project. For your project, you get to decide what kind of company Global Mind is. So determine what kind of company you want to for—accounting, finance, marketing, hospitality, management, manufacturing, retail/wholesale. Determine Global Mind’s product/service and target market, maybe even the mission. IMPORTANT: Global Mind is a for-profit business NOT a charitable organization, NOT a nonprofit, NOT a social-entrepreneurship venture.]
Your Tasks:
· Determine what kind of company Global Mind will be (your choice- it’s a fictional company)
· Research established philanthropies that fit with Global Mind’s work and corporate initiative
· Determine the most appropriate philanthropy for Global Mind (your choice)
· Prepare a Memo explaining your choice. You need to support with choice with research indicating why this philanthropy if the best choice for this company. Your written report will be followed up with an oral presentation to the board at the end of the semester.
Organization of report (USE the provided template):
1. Introduction: Briefly state your purpose, overall context, and preview. Explain the work product of Global Mind.
1. Recommendation: State the chosen organization and justify your choice (e.g., why is partnering with this specific charity the best choice for this company?). As part of your support, you might include tables or figures.
1. Methods for Implementation: Identify three ways your company can partner with the selected organization. Provide research to support these methods (e.g., research should include (1) how other companies have partnered with the organization; and/or how other similarly situated companies partner with philanthropic organizations to further their corporate mission. Some methods include specific types of fundraising or employee involvement. Provide advantages and disadvantages of each method.
1. Concerns and Benefits: discuss possible arguments against using this partnership and respond to these arguments with mitigating support and examples. Discuss how Global Mind will benefit from the partnership.
1. Conclusion: provide a two-part conclusion that restates the recommendation and its benefits to Global Mind. The second part of the conclusion should be a memorable take away message.
Content Must Include :
· The choice of an existing philanthropic organization, its relevance or synergy with your company, and the reasons supporting your choice.
· Three potential methods (models/approaches) to implement this philanthropic initiative; the pros & cons of these alternatives.
· Three real-world companies’ philanthropic initiatives you used to help you refine your recommendation (this bullet can be combined with the one above). Either company/industry or target cause must be similar to your project.
· Reasons why Global Mind should adopt your recommended implementation model must emphasize how your choice with benefit the company.
· Concerns associated with your recommendation AND mitigation of those concerns (how much will it cost Global Mind in manpower, time or inventory? )
Required Format: Use the Template Provided For You
· Prepare a recommendation report in memo format using letterhead you created, addressed to the owner of Global Mind and the board of directors (see template provided)
· The report should be concise but complete with concrete supporting detail, 1,200-1800 words ( excluding the memo headers, headings, tables, figures, and references), single-1.5, and have at least 8 sources (references) Your in text citations and reference list must be in APA format. You must provide an intext citation for any source you use in your paper.
· Use format (headings, bullets; short, topic-focused paragraphs, visuals, etc.) to visually organize your report and be reader friendly, attractive, and professional. Your paper needs to organized by headings and subheadings.
· Create your own Global Mind letterhead with complete contact information on page 1 only .
· Make sure you use the word “Memorandum” on page 1 under the letterhead.
· For subsequent pages, no letterhead, but use page headers/numbers to identify the document and page number; use Arial 12 font.
· Write in complete paragraphs with title sentences . Do not use bullet points or lists. Make sure your grammar and usage are correct. Do not use 2 or 3 sentence short paragraphs.
· Your paper should be written in third person; do not address the owner directly.
Submission to Canvas:
· Upload your Recommendation Report (labeled your last name . RR ) to Groups, Files Section- to be accessible to your peer review team. For this assignment, 10 points will be deducted if the complete paper is not available to your group for peer review.
· Revise your paper after receipt and viewing of Peer Reviews.
· Submit your final report (Save it as your last name- RR.Final. (e.g., Migdal.RR.Final). Submit your RR to the RR Turn-it-in assignment ahead of the due date so you can check the originality report and revise if necessary to ensure originality. 5 points will be deducted if the paper is not submitted to Turn-it-in.
· Submit your RR file to the Recommendation Report (RR) assignment dropbox in Canvas.
Grading: The Recommendation Report is worth 100 points. Ten points will be deducted from the final paper grade if it is not uploaded for peer review. Five points will be deducted if the RR is not submitted to Turn-it-in for an originality report. For grading criteria, refer to the rubric below the Canvas assignment drop box