The Assignment
Create a narrated PowerPoint ® presentation that provides mid-level managers, in your selected company, with tools and techniques to sustain the digital transformation given such turbulent times.
Video link: https://lms.devry.edu/lms/video/player.html?video=1_77um9xt4
· Refer to the three (3) concepts mentioned in the video, Efficient Leadership in the Digital Era (Week 6 Reading and Supplemental Materials).
· Explain how these concepts will help mid-level managers achieve and sustain a successful transformation. Tailor your recommendations to the company you selected in Week 3, and remember that your focus is on the ‘people’ side of the change.
· Include a maximum of 5 slides (excluding the title and references slides) and speaker notes for each slide.
· Provide at least three (3) references and include in-text citations for each source in the speaker notes section.
*All external sources must be appropriately cited in APA style format