The Purpose:
• The purpose of the Disruptive Innovation Project is about the state of the world and industry, and how it will impact your career. The Role Model assignment is about learning from an established professional and networking. The Creative Journey Assignment is, to put it simply, about you. New research suggests that people who spend time writing carefully about themselves become happier, less anxious and depressed and physically healthier. They become more productive, persistent and engaged in life. This is because thinking about where you came from, who you are and where you are going helps you chart a simpler, more creative, and more rewarding path through life.
The Details:
• Submit to appropriate drop-box on SLATE before class in Week 13 before the start of class in .docx or.pdf format (or late deductions will be incurred)
• the window for receiving submissions (in the drop-box) will remain open for one week following the submission deadline- students will not be able to make submissions once the window closes
•a late penalty of 10% per business day is in effect
The Content:
To complete this assignment, you will engage in the construction of a multi-faceted reflection about you, your plans, and what it will take for you to accomplish them. The minimum required length is 4 pages, but higher marks will be reserved for those who are more expansive.
Part 1: The Goal: Identify and describe your career ambitions, focusing on your field and the specific tasks and jobs you desire to do.
Part 2. To-do List: In order to accomplish your career goals, you will have to undertake tangible steps. In this section, identify some or all of the following, or list other tangible actionable goals that will help you accomplish the ambitions you cite in Part 1. A skill you must acquire; a book you need to read; a body of knowledge you need to develop; networking connections you need to make; further education or certification you will need; attitudes you need to cultivate; schedules or changes to working style you need to adopt; or fears or weaknesses you need to let go.
Part 3. Looking Back: Look back on your journey through life to date. the positive and negative experiences you’ve had, and how they have forged your character, shaped your creative ambitions, and oriented you toward the goals you now see as important. Are there catalytic events that have shaped you as a person? Who are the people that have influenced you, and how do you use their influence? What are the places and themes throughout your journey as an innovator? What traits or abilities have proven central to who you are? What role has your time at Sheridan played in shaping your life?
Part 4. Looking Ahead: Building on the earlier parts, consider your innovative future and creative journey ahead. While there are commonalities with Part 1, this final section should be more generally about your life. E.g., What kind of life do you want to lead- are you primarily career-focused, or are you more oriented and driven by family? What kind of work-life balance do you want? What does a good life look like to you? What failures have prepared you for success? What does your ideal future self look like? What are things that if they did not come to fruition, would make you feel regret? How do you want to be remembered? What do you think your legacy will be, or you hope it to be?
The Evaluations:
Projects will be graded according to the following criteria:
Was it apparent that deep thought and reflection went into the assignment?
Were there comments or sections that showed insight?
Was the assignment a minimum of 4 pages?
Was the entry written in a way that adhered to academic writing standards (e.g., proper grammar, spelling, etc.)?
TOTAL: /25
In a 1-2 minute presentation, you should answer the following questions:
• What are your goals?
• What are you going to do to achieve these goals?
Presentation will be graded according to the following criteria:
Was a powerpoint file submitted with your name in the file name that addressed the questions? /2.5
Did you attend class and share your answers? /2.5
*** 1 mark will be deducted for every 10 minutes you are late to this class or leave early, as we need everyone to arrive on time for the presentations and you must remain for the duration of class (i.e, you cannot leave once you present)