Attitude Evaluation Assignment
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to apply the ATO principles to
purchases so that you will realize how prevalent the approach is in everyday consumer life.
Preparation Instructions: 1. Compose your response to this activity in Microsoft Word.
2. The paper should be formatted and typed using Times New Roman, 12-point font,
double-spaced, and one-inch margins (no exceptions).
3. The length of the paper should be at least 2 to 4 pages (excluding cover page and
reference page).
4. Use APA 6th edition formatting and use a minimum of 2 references.
5. The paper should contain a cover page and reference page.
Content Instructions: 1. After shopping at a grocery store, select three products that you have purchased and
apply the ATO model to each of them.
2. Describe the three products and your description of the ATO model.
3. Answer the following questions based on your application of the ATO model.
a. Does the model accurately describe your attitude toward each of the products?
b. Why, or why not?
4. Finally, outline what you learned from this activity.
Submission Instructions: 1. Save this assignment as “fname_lname_attitude_evaluation.doc.” (i.e.,
2. Access the Assignments link located on the Course Menu to upload the final document as
an attachment to the Attitude Evaluation drop box by the due date listed on the Course
3. Refer to the grading rubric in the drop box for specifics on grading criteria.