Essay 3, What are monsters? Assignment Sheet {ZOMBIE}
The purpose of this assignment is to examine one of the many “monster” themes we have discussed in our course so far. The essay should not be a report on a specific type of monster. It does not need to read like an encyclopedia article on vampires, zombies, Godzilla, etc. Instead, you should make a synthesis of several sources to support a specific point of view in an argument.
• Choose a “monster” {ZOMBIE} from our culture and research the history of said monster. Make an argument about why this particular monster {ZOMBIE} is still relevant in our society today. What does it represent? What is the role of a monster in our society today? What is behind the continued fascination despite us knowing that they are not “real”?
The final draft of the paper needs to have the following components:
• Correct MLA formatting. At this point in the semester, if your essay is not correctly formatted using MLA style, it will not be accepted for grading
• A good introduction and conclusion
• A thesis statement that should state your argument
• At least one short, direct quotation
• One long, direct quotation
• One paraphrase or summary from an outside quotation
• A works cited page with at least three sources (only one is allowed to be a website and only one is allowed to be a selection from your textbook)
1. Teacher approved my use of Zombies as my monster. In addition to answering the questions from above my essay should also include how zombies are still relevant in society and how they have evolved over time.
2. The topic I submitted and was approved was:
Zombies have evolved from magical and supernatural origins to become connected with modern culture’s concerns of technology, science, medicine, and disease transmission. As a result of their huge popularity in media culture, Zombies have established themselves as one of the ultimate American horror icons, and they will continue to do so as long as there is turmoil and instability to which they may respond. Zombies are relevant in today’s society, flourishing in pop culture during times of recession, disease and general unhappiness.