* SWOT Analysis
* A SWOT analysis is a simple but useful framework for analyzing your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, both internally and
externally. This week, please share your thoughts related to how a company can build on what does well or address what is lacking.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
* Use the SWOT framework and create a SWOT analysis for a favorite company. What challenged you with creating the SWOT? What jumped out to you as
something this company would find valuable by doing a SWOT analysis?
* Consider that a SWOT analysis helps create a current picture of a company and its industry. Use an example from this week’s readings to discuss what
marketing decisions you would make. How would you address that company’s opportunities?
* What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest to your professional development and/or academic journey?