General description of the organization, e.g. number of locations, management structure, financial information, etc. (from your research)
Mission, vision, corporate-level goals and/or objectives (from your research)
Actual or possible marketing objectives (Refer to Week 2 concepts)
Analysis of the Current Situation
SWOT Analysis
Target market description
Value proposition
1. SWOT analysis
Use the SWOT worksheet in Course content > Course resources > Marketing Toolbox > How to prepare a Case study > SWOT worksheet and Competitive Analysis Worksheet
Identify major conclusions from your SWOT analysis, focus on how those conclusions will impact the marketing strategies
Use as many slides as you need to include all the relevant conclusions and impacts
Attach completed SWOT and competitive analysis as an exhibit at the end of your presentation
Refer to Week 2 for more details on SWOT analysis
2. Target market
Identify the type of consumer behavior that is relevant to your health services (refer to Week 3 concepts). Use the health belief model, if helpful, address the motivation, perception, learning and memory issues if possible. What type of purchase behavior do they exhibit (refer to Week 3 concepts)?
Address the issue of quality as a factor in the patient/client’s decision process (refer to Week 3 concepts)
Describe the target market for the health services as specifically as possible (refer to Week 4 concepts). If more than one target market, prepare descriptions for each.
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
3. Value Proposition and competitive positioning
Describe the health service’s value proposition (refer to Week 4 concepts)
Describe the health service’s positioning strategy (competitive analysis and positioning map will be helpful here)
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
Marketing Mix
Place (distribution)
Promotion (marketing communications
4. Product strategies
Describe the health service ‘product’
Describe the patient ‘experience’
How does the ‘product’ and the ‘experience’ differ from competitors?
What is the role of quality in the patient experience?
Is the product a ‘brand’; if not, would you recommend it build a brand?
Would you recommend any changes to the health service product?
Refer to Week 5 concepts
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
5. Price Strategies
Describe how the price is set for the health care service
Does the price seem consumer oriented?
Is the price and quality consistent with a local reference-based pricing database?
Refer to Week 6 concepts
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
6. Place (distribution strategies)
Describe the channels used to deliver the service (refer to Week 6 concepts)
Would you consider the channel system to be a value network and why or why not?
What changes would you recommend to ensure a value network system?
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
7. Promotion (marketing communications) strategies
Describe the communications message and its effectiveness in representing the brand and value proposition.
What changes would you recommend to same?
Describe the type of creative strategy used to convey the message? Changes?
What promotion tools are used? How would you modify those tools based on marketing objectives identified in your Overview and to more effectively communicate to the target market?
What customer relationship efforts does the health service have or should be put in place to retain patients/clients, create loyalty and referrals
Refer to Week 7 concepts
Use as many slides as you need to adequately cover the topics
8. Measurements
Consider the marketing objectives outlined in (1). How would you suggest the marketing activities measure the success of reaching those objectives? List all measurements that may apply, e.g. number new patients, number referrals, increase in revenue, etc.
Use this topic to cover anything else you would like to add such as need for increased budget to adequately make the suggested changes, management’s focus or lack of focus on marketing, etc.
Use a college-level style such as MLA or APA to properly format your endnotes
Prepare a bibliography of all sources used in your presentation using the same style as used for endnotes
Refer to the UMUC virtual library for help endnoting and referencing
Optional exhibits such as:
Completed SWOT analysis
Completed competitive analysis
Positioning map
Financial information
Creative strategy
Be sure to refer to your exhibits in the main part of your presentation.