To complete the assignment please follow the steps:
Step 1: Reading and Preparation
Read chapter 4 of Clemons and McBeth (2020) titled the Critiques of the Rational Model.
Carefully read all about the case “Case Study: Vaping Politics and Policy: Up in Smoke”. You can find this case on pages 132-137 of the textbook.
Review the additional materials on the Activities and Resources page of the module.
Step 2: Writing and Submitting Part 1 of the Assignment
This part is the original post you are required to submit on Canvas. This part of the assignment should be between 500-700 words. Answer the following questions:
Who are the actors involved in the policy-making process? Identify the actors and their stance (pro/con) on the ban of e-cigarettes.
Write 3 short (3-4 sentences) summaries of the policy problem as instructed below:
Summary 1: write it from the point of view of an actor (or group) who supports the ban.
Summary 2: write it from the point of view of an actor (group) who opposes the ban.
Summary 3: write it from your point of view as an expert policy analyst.
Is bounded rationality one of the factors affecting the approach to the issue and the decision-making process of any of these actors (you, the policy analyst included)? Why? Why not?
Is cultural cognition* one of the factors affecting the approach to the issue and the decision-making process of any of these actors (you, the policy analyst included)? Why? Why not?
*You can find the definition of cultural cognition on page 121 of the textbook. Also, the studies included in the Differences in Conservative and Liberal Brains (you can find the link in the activities, resources, assessments page) are related to cultural cognition.
Your answers to questions 3-4 should be supported by the textbook and/or the additional material provided to you.