Overall 25-page research paper focused on what you believe truth is: My truths that I am focusing on Psychology, Science, and Personal Experience.
In this section you should introduce the reader to the topic. Throughout the paper assume that the reader is an intelligent person who has not yet encountered the material of this course. Provide a general overview of what you are going to present in the paper, the context in which it was created, and the key issues you will be addressing in your perspective.Thesis 1: How does one come to know truth on the worldview or epistemological level?In this section you should State and defend your thesis as to what you believe is the origin and nature of truth and how we come to know it.Clearly state your thesis: After your introduction, you should clearly state your thesis as to what for you is the sources of truth. Then the rest of this section is the data you are using to support your thesis. You must support your thesis position with the readings you have done for the course (or other courses). You can state your thesis as, “I believe that truth comes from…” but the rest should be written in third person. You could also write it all in third person, “therefore truth comes from…..”In other words, this section is focused on how do we know when something is valid? What sources of truth do you accept? Do you accept that there is truth in Scripture; in Church tradition; in Theology; in personal experience; in any other source of information? What is the purpose of Scripture and what role does it and religious doctrine play in knowing what is true? What is the nature of the natural world and what does it contribute to knowing what is true? Do you accept the findings of the science of psychology and other sciences? Do you believe there is truth in personal experience? Do you feel there is truth in logic and philosophy? What other sources of truth do you accept or reject? What are the limitations of each source of truth? In addition to that, what role do worldviews and assumptions play in defining what is true? What is the nature of humanity and what limitations might one have in their ability to know what is true? What limits might there be in the ability to know what is true?Self-Critique of section 1: Given that this is a beginning perspective on how you would conceptualize integration, you will find issues that remain unresolved for you. Each section should end with a self-critique that identifies: 1) the conflicts and inconsistencies, 2) areas for growth that you are unable to currently address in your perspective, and 3) areas you cannot currentlyaddress, but would like to in the future. This is the place to discuss these and thus communicate your knowledge of the limits of your perspective in each section.
Thesis 2: Your approach / model of integration at the disciplines levelIn this section you should state and defend your second thesis as to what you believe is the best way to relate the truths from multiple sources.In this section you should clearly state your second thesis as to what model(s) of integration you would use. Then use the rest of this section to support that statement with the readings you have done for the course (or other courses). You should state your thesis as, “Because truth is, (insert thesis 1 here) I therefore believe that (this model or models) is the best way to bring these truths together.” but the rest should be written in third person. After you have constructed your model you are to give it your own personal name.In this section, you should address how might the various sources of truth you identified in section 1 come together to form a more unified understanding of human persons? How would you integrate the truths of scripture and theology, science and psychology, personal experience, and other sources of truth? Can they interact to inform each other? If so, when and how do they interact? Using the names from one of the systems of models you have learned
Eck: Psyc 496 Psychology and ChristianityP. 11in this course, (e.g. Eck, Entwistle, etc.), which model (or models), would you use for integration? What changes or adaptations would you like to make to that model? How might you expand the model?Self-Critique of section 2:Identify 1) the conflicts and inconsistencies, 2) areas for growth that you are unable to currently address in your perspective, and 3) areas you cannot currentlyaddress, but would like to in the future. This is the place to discuss these and thus communicate your knowledge of the limits of your perspective in each section.A personal application of your integration perspective.On a beginning level, take your model, (or models), of integration, and demonstrate how you would apply it as a process for relating truth and coming to a more unified understanding of one area of your life or work. In this section you should clearly identify an issue or issues to which you will be seeking a more integrated knowledge. Identify as best as you can, 1) the contributions that the sources of knowledge in thesis 1 contribute to understanding the issue and why they make those contributions, 2) how you would use your model in thesis 2 to relate the applicable truths to address the issue, and 3) the outcome of your process, the conclusions you come to through applying this process.You should clearly state the issue or situation that you are facing in your life, and then demonstrate how you would apply your model to in order to develop a better understanding of it. This section can be written in first person.Self-Critique of section 3identify 1) the conflicts and inconsistencies, 2) areas for growth that you are unable to currently address in your perspective, and 3) areas you cannot currentlyaddress, but would like to in the future. This is the place to discuss these and thus communicate your knowledge of the limits of your perspective in each section.ReferencesWith this title at the top of the page, list in APA format the minimum of 10 references to the literature you have studied to write this paper. In order to list them here, they must have been cited in the body of your text (I will check these). In APA format, ALL material that has come from another source MUST be cited. This means that if you have paraphrased what you read somewhere, great, just give credit to the source. Citations are not just for direct quotes!! Most of the paragraphs in the first and part of the second section of your paper will be reporting information that came from somewhere, thus, virtually every paragraph will have several citations in proper A.P.A. format. The reason for this is to demonstrate your scholarship and give proper credit to your sources. APA reference style also supports the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). These can be found on the first page of the article itself, or the CrossRef website http://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery/ that allows you to retrieve Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters by simply cutting and pasting the reference list into the form on their website