22 page research paper on the rise of Al-Qaeda and how the September 11th terrorist attacks helped
propel Al-Qaeda and terrorism into the mainstream spotlight. It must be double spaced 11 FONT NOT
12. times new Roman font. One inch margins and introductory cant exceeded half a page. FOOTNOTES
10 !! Chicago style FOOTNOTES and bibliography are mandatory..reference page needs to be included.
Please see attached for specific instructions.. MUST only use books and articles from Jstor attached. All
of the books and articles must be used. Absolutely NO plagiarism…has to be 100 % original. Will be sent
in to turn it in. Com . If you cant access something please let me know. My thesis is also attached but you
can change the wording. Topic, idea and my position about al Qaeda cant be changed. These articles and
books had to be approved so all that can be used. Also MUST be an AMERICAN writer in US ENGLISH