Submission & Formatting
You need to submit 1 electronic copy of your dissertation via WISEFLOW and 1 electronic copy of your data on WISEFLOW.
You will need to submit 2 bound hard copies to the TPO on the ground floor of the Eastern Gateway Building. You will need to include one Red marker sheet, one Blue marker sheet, and one student feedback form.
Please note that any submissions handed in/ submitted late will be capped as per the College policy at the following link: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/about/quality-assurance/documents/pdf/Coursework-Submission-Policy.pdf
Formatting your dissertation:
Your dissertation should be presented as follows:
• Font size 12pt
• A legible font (such as Arial or Times Roman or suitable equivalent)
• Single sided, and the lines must be double spaced
• Have appropriate sections
• Tables, figures and graphs should be numbered
• Margins: 2.5 cm top, bottom and right hand side
3 cm left to allow room for binding
The word count for the dissertation is strictly up to 8,000 words (including footnotes). Please note the following are not ordinarily included in the final word count:
(a) Abstract (no more than 100 words)
(b) Acknowledgements (should you include any)
(c) Reference List
(d) Tables, figures and graphs (as long as they as short and relevant)
(e) Appendices (as long as they as short and pertinent)
Note that, appendices, (similarly tables, figures and graphs) should not be used to carry the argument in your dissertation: doing so means they will be included as part of your word count. Footnotes should be used sparingly. A content list is unnecessary. Generally, if the material is important to your argument, it should be included in the main body of your dissertation: failing to do so is likely to affect the mark your work receives.
If you have any doubts, you should discuss them with your supervisor.