The remainder of your Project will be structured according to your subject area. Quantitative studies
should be divided into separate results and discussion sections, whereas qualitative studies may be more
effective if these are combined.
1. Quantitative Studies: The Results Chapter is the place to present and analyse your results. It should
include a written description of results, avoiding any interpretation of their meaning. Tables may be used
to summarise mathematical data and figures for graphical data. The results section should also include
data analysis. This can include statistical tests and other exploratory methods which enable more in-depth
analysis of the results.
In the Discussion Chapter, your results should be interpreted, critically evaluated and the appropriate
conclusions drawn. You need to place your results within the context of published literature. Do your
results support or differ from previous research? Did you solve that debate in the literature? Has anyone
else found what you did? Why? Why not?
2. Qualitative studies: It is often inappropriate to separate results from discussion when using qualitative
data, as the analysis involves the synthesis and description of primary and secondary sources and
literature. However, you need to be aware of the difference between presentation and interpretation of
data. Therefore, you should carefully plan the structure of this section: for example, you could use your
aim and objectives, or the codes developed in your analysis to structure this chapter.
In your discussion, do not go beyond the evidence of your data. The conclusions should assess the work
critically, in relation to the original aim and objectives and to the background provided in the introduction.
It should present a clear and concise account of the key findings and conclusions of the Project. Do not
introduce any new material here. You should attempt to point out how your study contributes to existing
knowledge, and in particular, whether your results confirm or deny the findings of any of the studies
mentioned in your review of previous literature. Any limitations of your research should be noted here
together with any suggestions for further research or recommendations.
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