Please watch the following 3 videos and then read the Game Changer Case Study. Answer all the
questions posed in the case study and make sure that you are considering your answers from the view of
physiology and pathophysiology:
1. http://regiscollege.idm.oclc.org/login url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?
“The Game Changer is an interrupted case study that traces the football career of Anthony ‘Tony Tonka
Truck’ Williams and the types of brain trauma that he suffers from playing football, from junior league
level through high school, college, and his draft into the pros” (Field & Logan, 2018).
As sports-related concussions and head injuries have become more prevalent and more of a mainstream
topic, as a provider you should expect to see these patients in your office. The Hidden Epidemic video
looks at head injuries and how these relate to the mental health of young people in our country.
This assignment asks you to summarize each part of the case and to respond to all questions posed.
Incorporate topics covered in Weeks 12 and 13 that focused on neurological health, pain, and
psychological dysfunction. When responding to the questions in the case study, consider the information
included about Anthony’s mental health and keep in mind any plausible/possible DSM-5 diagnosis.
Incorporate topics covered in Weeks 12 and 13 are: neurological health, pain, chronic Disorder Brian
injuries and psychological dysfunction.