Is social media use associated with positive and/or negative adjustment?
Project Focus
Social media platforms as a whole (i.e., Facebook and Instagram)
To observe social media use and the frequency of positive and/or negative adjustment, such as bullying and self-esteem. Using the data, we want to find out if there is an association between social media use and adjustment, whether it is positive adjustment or negative adjustment.
How many people report being bullied online? What is the number of males versus females? Who reports more bullying online (males or females)? Who reports more social media use (males or females)? How many people report low self-esteem? Who reports low self-esteem more often: males or females?
For students who are bullied online, how often does the bullying occur? How often so most people use social media (on an average weekday and on an average weekend)? How many hours do most people spend on social media?
Is more social media use associated with more reported bullying? Is more social media use associated with lower reported self-esteem? Is emotion regulation associated with bullying? Is there an association between the frequency of social media use, friendship quality, and bullying?
Difference between 2 groups
Does social media use influence bullying? Do the people who engage in more social media use have higher self-esteem than the people who engage in less social media use? Does the group that engages in bullying have higher self-esteem than a group that does not bully?
Does higher frequency of social media use predict lower self-esteem over time?