UN Sustainable development
Goals and Public Finance Management reform
Word limit: 1,250 words
Referencing Harvard Business School
As part of meeting the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (and previously The Millennium
Development goals) the Rome (2003) and Paris agreements on aid effectiveness (2005), and the Busan
Partnership on aid effectiveness (2011) set out agreements on transforming Public Financial Governance
in return for development assistance.
For a developing country of your choice you are to carry out the following in support of SDGs:
1. State the key aspects of the Busan Partnership on aid effectiveness (2011) that relate to improved
government financial governance. (10%)
2. Identify to which SDGs the improvement of Public Financial Governance and systems relates. (10%)
3. You are to state how development partners can identify system weaknesses (Diagnostics). (20%)
4. Identify your developing country and its current areas of weakness (using tools you identified in part3).
5. You are to discuss the benefits and drawbacks/risks of adopting IPSAS in your chosen developing
country. (30%)
6. Discuss what support the development partners should put in place to assist the countries in
implementing the proposed reforms. (15%)
For this assignment you need to understand how Government Finances are crucial to the SDGs, the Busan
partnership on aid effectiveness and the international approach to improving state financial governance.
The advice on adoption of IPSAS requires you to examine both cash and accruals IPSAS for developing
countries. The main focus will be on the risks and benefits of adopting IPSAS and implications.
For the developing country you choose, pick one from a country whose political and economic public
finance tradition with which you are familiar. For example:
• Chinese current communist system, developing countries include: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.
• Franco/Spanish Traditions: developing countries include former French/Spanish colonies
• Soviet Tradition: Developing countries include former states of the USSR
• UK: Developing countries include Commonwealth countries
Use PEFA reports for Guidance on countries where possible, Cross examine with SDGs etc.
Attached some useful info but the rest will have to be researched