Dear Writer,
The present request refers to a seminar paper (1 of the 4 in total that I have got to come up with).
Important to highlight please that the required standards are for PhD level.
PhD course is on Investment Psychology and the seminar paper is to be viewed from that perspective.
Out of the attached Syllabus (attachment no. 2) I have specifically the approval to:
• emphasize on the “Changes in a company and the risk – models of change in the company, change in the corporate strategy, change as a way of facing the risk” factor in the Syllabus
• goals:
– to detect the causes of change
– assess the impacts of change management on:
o resources
o dynamics
o performance
• hypotheses:
should include questions which will be confirmed or refused when fulfilling the partial objectives, such as (i.e.), does change management have significant impacts on both human and non-human resources?
Kindly focus on the above 3 underlined elements (topic, goals and hypotheses) which are meant to be the seminar paper’s crucial part.
In the attachment no. 3, you will find concrete guidelines how the seminar paper should be structured.
Ref: attachment no. 4, specifications how the seminar paper should be set out:
• 5.000 words
• excluding the introductory page, contents and appendices.
• spacing: 1,5
• font: Arial
• size: 12
• alignment: block text
as well as the criteria how the seminar paper gets assessed for acceptance / approval.
Ref: attachment no. 5, template in editable format that must be used for the paper’s development.
If any questions, please do let me know as soon as possible as it is important to meet the timeframe.
Thank you