Start by Watching this video, and then by completing the requirements below… (this will be a longer discussion assignment).
Tedx – The Three Secrets of Resilient People (Christchurch, New Zeland) Video
Watch video above on Resiliency
Please Complete Exercise 4.5 “The Art of Resiliency” in your book on pg 87. Textbook: Essentials of Managing Stress (5th Edition) by Brian Luke Seaward; Jones and Bartlett Learning.
For the Discussion, please discuss the following:
From this week’s chapter, discuss what you feel is your personality type and some of the traits you possess (positive and negative).
From the video, which one of the 3 secrets do you feel you most need to work on and why?
From Exercise 4.5 – Discuss at least one trait from each one of the metaphorical “Backbone”, “Wishbone” and “Funnybone” and state how you might strengthen them in your life.