In Unit 2, we will explore racial and ethnic identity. Each of us has a worldview that is informed in part from our racial and ethnic identity. Racial identity is the composite of socialization based on race and historical factors. This socialization influences psychological development and sociopolitical attitudes. Ethnic identity is based on group affiliation and can be associated with nation of origin, language group, collective regional or historical experiences, et cetera. Racial groupings can be thought of as the broad category, and ethnicity can be subsumed under racial group. For example, if Asian descent is understood to be a racial group, then Chinese, Japanese, or Hmong could be ethnicities within this racial group. If African descent is understood to be a racial group, then Yoruba, Afro-Caribbean, and African American can be understood to be ethnicities within this racial group. In these examples, you can recognize that the ethnicity may be based on national identity and common historical or regional experiences. Categorization of race and ethnicity can be messy and mostly is a sociopolitical construct. However, considerations of race and ethnicity are important because being a member in these groups informs about your values, beliefs, customs, traditions, behaviors, et cetera. According to Thomas and Schwarzbaum (2017), “It is important to explore racial and ethnic identity because it explains behaviors and attitudes” (pp. 20–12).
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[u02s1] Unit 2 Study 1
Use your Culture and Identity text to complete the following:
Chapter 3, “Butch’s Story: Who Am I?,” pages 45–68.
Chapter 4, “Betsie’s Story: I am 100% Jewish,” pages 69–94.
Chapter 5, “Maribel’s Story: When Are You Going to Have Kids?,” pages 95–112.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
Explore the historical or cultural and social factors that impact the development of personal identity.
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[u02s2] Unit 2 Study 2
Unit 3 Assignment Preparation
The first assignment for your course project is due by the end of Unit 3. In this assignment, you will begin the process of analyzing your cultural competence. Refer to the Unit 3 assignment for a complete description of the assignment. Make sure to review the assignment rubric to understand completely what is expected of you.
To allow yourself sufficient time to successfully complete the assignment, you should begin your work in this unit. Make sure to contact your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
Analyze the congruence of personal birth characteristics and birth context.
Analyze how education, work, and life experiences inform the development of a worldview.
Explore the historical or cultural and social factors that impact the development of personal identity.
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Choose one of the remaining three stories from “Section II: Race and Ethnicity” in the Culture and Identity text. Do not select the story you used in the previous Unit 2 discussion. Each story presents a countertransference section:
Summarize the discussion of countertransference for the selected story.
Given your particular racial and ethnic identity, what countertransference issues must you be alert to when working with this population?