1)Trace the constitutional basis for and process of impeachment for the President of the United States, from first a) the US Constitution (relevant Articles, Sections and Amendments of the Constitution) and then from b) news articles and academic sources describing the process. (Minimum sources required: 5 articles and 3 books on the subject of impeachment.)
2) Retrace the US Presidents who were subject to this process.
3) List the arguments made for the impeachment process being used against President Trump, citing sources.
Submit online: minimum 4 pages, MLA format, 12 pt. font, 1 1/2 spaced, MSWord.
Note please: This exercise does not ask you to share your opinions. Do not say things like “I agree,” “I believe,” “I think” in your submission. Your summary and your section on current politics should relate matters factually. If you include your opinions, you have failed in this exercise.