Mitigation Model for
Inland Flood Disaster
First Paper Outlines
• Introduction
• Problem statement
• Literature review
• Objectives
• Proposed methodology
• Collect the data
• Do the analysis
• Conclusions and recommendations
First Paper Outlines
• Introduction
• Natural Disaster Worldwide
• Inland Flood in the USA
• Washington (AR) as a case study
• Hazus-MH
• Thesis statement (uncertainty)
First Paper Outlines
• Problem statement
• Uncertainties are inherent in any loss estimation methodology
• The Flood Model performs its analysis at the census block level
with small numbers of buildings. Damage analysis of these small
numbers makes the Flood Model more sensitive to rounding
• In the uncertainty analysis in flood damage assessment two
types of uncertainty are distinguished: aleatory and epistemic
uncertainty (Merz and Thieken, 2009).
First Paper Outlines
• Problem statement
• Aleatory uncertainty is related to the variability or
heterogeneity within a population which can be expressed
by statistic parameters such as the mean, variance and
• Epistemic uncertainty is the lack of understanding of a
system and can in theory be reduced by further study or by
collecting more or better data.
Literature review
• Literature review for the last five years
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) guideline.
1. Scoping study: The scoping study involved the identification of the
natural disaster keywords.
2. Identification of search strategy: The research will focus on the
preparedness models for inland flood disaster only.
3. Application of extension criteria: Titles and abstracts will be
reviewed in accordance with the identified search strategy after
removing duplicates.
Literature review
• Literature review for the last five years
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) guideline.
4. Data extraction: This step will extract the important information for
further study.
5. Analysis of data: The extracted data will be analyzed to categorize the
research area of the inland flood preparedness models.
6. Dissemination of information: The analysis will highlight the distribution
of information that has interest in the inland flood preparedness
research field.
• Reduce the uncertainty for the number of the displaced
people by using five flood year plains ( 10,25,50,100, and
• Find the optimal buffer value to maximize the number of
displaced people.
• Maximize the number of the save people.
Proposed methodology
• Finding the distribution of different flood plains
• Finding the matching distribution for different buffer values.
• Optimize the number of displaced people to be equivalent to
80% of the total population at the hazard zones (Pareto
Collect the data
• Get the data from Hazus-MH for five different flood plains
with a buffer value increased uniformity from 0 to 50.
Do the analysis
• Using MATLAB and Minitab to perform the analysis
Conclusions and recommendations
• Writing the conclusions and recommendations