Assessment 1
Assessment title: Dissertation thesis
Weighting: 75% of total mark
Length of Thesis
The length of your thesis should not exceed 4000 words and should not be under the word limit by ±10%.
This excludes the title, references and any figures or tables.
• All text should be printed in a clear font such as Arial or Times New Roman;
• All text should be 12-point with the exception of headings (see below).
Layout and Paper
Text should be in a single column and left-aligned or justified;
Use 1.5 spacing between lines, including appendices and bibliography, but excluding quotations, footnotes or captions, which may be single-spaced.
Number pages consecutively throughout the thesis from the Introduction, including all pages;
Numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page;
Figures and Tables
Number consecutively either throughout the thesis (Table 1, Figure 2) Refer to figures/tables within the text as table 1, figure 2, etc; Numbers and captions should appear at the bottom of figures; Numbers and captions should appear at the top of tables;
The order of the thesis should be as follows: Title page – please state the following:
The full title of the thesis and any subtitle Your full name;
The qualification for which the thesis is submitted, e.g. BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science Degree
The name of the School or and Faculty e.g. School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and Well-being
The month and year of submission.
The abstract should be between 200- 250 words.
Acknowledgements (if any)
Use this page to acknowledge those who have assisted you with your work.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents must list in sequence all relevant chapters, sections and subsections; appendices and references with the relevant page numbers;
The introduction is where you introduce your work. So you must introduce the general area of research/background, then existing research closer to your area, describe a problem or gap in what is currently known, state “the aim of this study is to…” address that problem or gap in what is currently known.
Literature Review
The Literature Review is where you demonstrate that you have the necessary understanding of your chosen area of research. It is important that you include important studies and knowledge in your area of research. Failing to mention important studies in your literature review is something you should avoid at all costs.
Include any definitions, quotations, findings of key review papers when describing the current literature. Discuss each topic one by one and do so in a sensible order.
You need to include detailed information so a knowledgeable reader can reproduce the experiment.
Describe the participants
Describe the experiment protocol, surveys or tests done and where testing took place
Describe statistical methods used and what statistical software it was carried out on
In this section, avoid any comments on the results, and discussion, which is a common error.
Report your main findings in written prose accompanied by relevant figures and tables
Indicate the statistical tests used with all relevant parameters: e.g., mean and standard deviation (SD): 44% ±3; median and interpercentile range: 7 years (4.5
to 9.5 years).
Use mean and standard deviation to report normally distributed data. Use median and interpercentile range to report skewed data.
For numbers, use two significant digits unless more precision is necessary (2.08, not 2.07856444).
Never use percentages for very small samples e.g., “one out of two” should not be replaced by 50%.
For the data, decide on a logical order that tells a clear story and makes it and easy to understand. Generally, this will be in the same order as presented in the methods section.
Remember, you must only describe and explain the results, not discuss them. Do not discuss include references in this section; you should only discuss your results in the discussion.
Here is where you discuss what the results mean by adding interpretation in context of what research has been done previously. It is essential that you make it clear as to how your work adds something new to what is already known. It is the hardest to write but if you get it right is where you get the highest marks.
You should structure the discussion in the same order as your results, but do not simply repeat the results. Here you need to compare the published research with yours. Link back to work mentioned in the Literature Review.
The discussion should first restate the aims of your study. Then the main findings. Then discuss each finding in turn.
This section shows how your work adds to what is already known.
A clear conclusion should make it easy for the reader to see how your work is important and worthwhile. An unclear conclusion gives the reader more work to do by looking back to determine whether your work is important.
Avoid making any new statements or information here.
Any supporting material of considerable length, such as questionnaires that would interrupt the main text should be included as appendices;
The Harvard style of referencing should be used.
It is wise to use of referencing software such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero. This will save a lot of time in the writing process.