Q. A group of lawyers running a successful legal practice in the UK and want to set up a practice in the UAE (Dubai). In the UK they run their practice as a Limited Liability Partnership and want to know which would be the most appropriate form to follow when they start their firm in the UAE.
Giving reasons, write a report on the advise you would offer to these prospective lawyers.
1. Your submission must be thorough; meaning, the submission reflects your understanding of the concept of comparative legal study and corporate laws – to be critically analyzed.
2. Word limit is up to a maximum of 4000. However, stick to this limit! The word limit is excluding the references, bibliography and title/cover pages.
3. Use the research, referencing and writing conventions taught in your course on research methodology (OSCOLA).
4. The submission should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Have a suitable title and sub-titles (if you feel necessary). All the aspects posed must be addressed in the essay, not as separate answers, but as a comprehensive whole.
5. Include a cover-sheet while submitting the assignment.
6. Also take note/familiarize yourself with the assessment/marking criteria which is posted on the Moodle page for this course.
7. Ensure that your essay achieves the Course Learning Outcomes included in the syllabus.
9. A drop box would be provided on the moodle via turnitin (plagiarism check). You will upload your assignment through that, on/before the stipulated date and time.
Additional sources: You are required to use additional & suitable sources, cases and examples to support the arguments or reasoning that you adduce.