Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Literature Reviews. Karen’s review focuses on Elizabeth Cooke’s exemplary life full of challenging misfortunes, which revealed her prowess. This is evident from writings, epitaphs and monuments, which she erected bearing numerous writings on them for her beloved relatives and the husband. Thomas Hoby who her husband. passed on while in Paris leaving her pregnant and the burden of arranging his funeral (Karen, 2011). The excerpt’s core focus entails highlighting Elizabeth’s prowess especially her contribution both as a mother and as a wife figure. The latter is apparent from numerous love verses she authored concerning her marriage as a union comprising of one flesh with Thomas Hoby (Karen, 2011). Karen in her review she features Elizabeth as a dedicated woman in her family. evident the way she manages to arrange decent burials for her children and relatives. Consequently, Karen’s review reveals the incomparable female gender’s roles in England despite the then period’s men marginalizing them. Numerous scholars attribute Elizabeth’s exemplary undertakings to the immense classical education she received at her tender age. However, this argument is not true because of her ardent desire to undertake all her activities as necessitated emanated from her an unequaled “sacrifice” as referred by Karen. For example, Elizabeth’s participation in her daughter’s wedding, which to date feature in Robert Peake’s work, “The Procession to Blackfriars”. The article will aid in supporting the argument of women’s contribution to the Early England’s poetry.