Identify the population and the problem with that population. Justification why that population is important and why it a key population to address. Why does that population needs educating?
You need to be thinking about, How big is the problem? How common is the problem and how does it impact our society today. You could look at difference of the problem maybe how it was back in the days and how the problem is current today and is there any difference increase or decrease of obesity for example, supporting that by references.
You can look how much is costing the NHS, with people with these conditions.
In that 1000 words Need to bring in literature to support that. You can’t be critical in the educational tool but you can be critical in the
Educational tool can be directed at the parent for example to educate their kids about obesity or the children or the population.
Educational tool can be leaflet that you can find in a GP. Equivale to 2000 words but doesn’t have to be 2000 words.
Justification need to be link to the educational tool.
references or picture you include in the educational tool can be put in the end of the assignment.
Topic you can chose from. Effect of physical activities on lower back pain. Effect of physical activities on obesity. Effect of physical activities on mental health.
https://basem.co.uk/motivate-to-move/?fbclid=IwAR1ltX2yQpyPoP0QfOFLTEjv9zu-HVmTYX29LTZ44bvJJYFRi3cexNTDHY0 this link helpful as show you some of the topic can pick and talk about. Click the link and scroll down shown you physical activites and mental health and many more.
https://movingmedicine.ac.uk/?fbclid=IwAR1bCjVmxcI3DHcKQP-j2M7ARsVUole-sKU610P0nSAPnN4JV2SAq2cHUAA this good to look at as it will help you with some ideas on how to promote physical activities.
Reference need to be done in APA sixth edition
Assessment Brief
Module Title: Key Principles in Physiotherapy
Level: 7
Module Leader/ Assessment set by:
Assessment title: Educational Tool with 1000 word written Justification.
Mode of submission:
Task details and instructions: Part A -1000 words of justification for the Educational Tool you create
Part B -2000 word equivalent educational tool eg. Poster, Leaflet
learning outcomes: On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Module Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of body systems and their influence on health.
2. Critically evaluate the relevant evidence relating to body systems and health.
3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the relationship between psychosocial factors and human physiology
Guidance linked to grid Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the following criteria
Subject Knowledge and Understanding
To complete this element successfully you need to include
Knowledge of or describe:
relevant body systems such as:
• Skeletal System
• Muscular system
• Nervous system
and health related issues which may include:
• Physical Activity
• Ageing
• Obesity
• Mental Health
• Environmental Quality
• Access to Health Care
• Non communicable diseases
• Participation
Psychosocial factors for example:
• work environment
• social determinants
You should try to include theories, concepts or framework to structure your assessment.
Intellectual Skills: including understanding, judgement, analysis, evaluation and synthesis
This section includes a 1000 word justification of the Educational Tool. Consider the impact on Health and Social care
Include evidence that links body systems to pathology this could include guidelines, clinical decision support tools, books, journals.
Subject specific skills and application to practice
To complete this element successfully….
the topic chosen needs to be relevant to the current health setting with the potential to have an impact on practice.
Transferable skills: including communication, presentation and organisation, dissemination
To complete this element successfully you need to ….
create an educational tool that is suitable for the target audience identified in the 1000 word written justification.