3 pages research proposal Present and clarify the topic of the research and present the problem and research question to be addressed. For instance, provide a concise overview of the topic youare interested to investigate, its relevance and the research question(s)1 you are willing to answer (purpose formulation).The objective is to train you in qualitative methods, the research choice must by definition be qualitative. Present the detail research approach, that is, research philosophy, qualitative and research strategy interview based, single, multiple case study, etc. Moreover, provide a detailed explanation on the methodology you intend to use in order to answer your research question(s) and argue why such methodology fits the best with your research. Make this explanation as detail as possible. Present and justify data collection choices, sampling and analysis. Explain why your choices are appropriate in view of your research purpose and research question(s).Discuss ethical implications of the study. Explain why your method will lead to trust worthy results and conclusions.Show your undertaking by using appropriate language/concepts to reflect your knowledge of research methods
Research question: why more and more people choose shopping online