Project 5—Final Report Template
Memo: Please use this template
1. Title page
· states the client organization, selected country, the client’s product, type of legal structure, and the alliance partner
· date submitted
· your name
· course title, course and section number
· professor’s name
2. Table of contents
· page numbers for each major section
3. Executive summary
· summarizes the results of your analysis and how you arrived at the recommendation
· belongs on a separate page from the introduction to the report
· Start your executive summary as follows: “Business Plan for [selected client organization] to enter [selected country] $(size of market in US Dollars) market for [product/service] through a [type of legal structure] with [selected alliance partner].”
4. Introduction (first page of report body)
· states the purpose of the report
· explains what the report will do
· introduces the industry, country, and client’s name
5. Marketing strategy
· market analysis
· characteristics of potential customers in the country
· use of web networks and social media for e-marketing
6. Governance and CSR
7. Financial projections
8. Strategy implementation
9. Conclusion
· Summary of the recommendations and rationale
10. Reference
· APA-style reference page
11. Appendices
· if needed