Requirements: Project Requirements part1: You must write your research paper as a group fulfilling the following requirements: 1. The work should be your own. All your submissions will undergo plagiarism check iThunticate (plagiarism checker). Create an account from IAU if you don’t have or use similar tool Turnitin (available within Blackboard) The MAXIMUM similarity allowed is 10%. 2. The KM proposed topic should be unique and not similar to other groups. Recommended KM topics could be in eHealth, eCommerce, current affairs, issues and challenges etc. 3. THE TOPIC SHOULD NOT BE YOUR GRADUATION PROJECT COURSE OR ANY OTHER COURSE OR PREVIOUS WORK. If found cheating, you will simply get 0 Marks for the entire project marks i.e. 20 marks. The following concepts of KM must be addressed and applied in the paper: • Knowledge Management Cycle • Knowledge Management Models • Knowledge Capture & Codification • Knowledge Application • Knowledge Management Tools • (optional) Information Retrieval (IR) Modeling • (optional) Retrieval Evaluation 4. The data to be used for KM must be related to KM & IR as well as any current issues. You can get plenty of open source data available online or you can obtain with permission from IAU or any companies (recommended in order to make it a unique project). Get at least 500-1000 records for proper analysis. Discuss with instructor. 5. The software to be used for analyzing the data is ORANGE DATA MINING. 6. Minimum 10-30 references must be made to other KM papers as per the journal referencing format. You should go through sample journal papers (even from other sources are allowed) to get better understanding on how to write scientific research paper. To view full text of the journal papers, try to login into the library e-Resources Portal and search for the KM papers and you can view the full journal. 7. Your paper must include minimum 2 tables and 2 figures. 8. Open the horizon to your imagination and be CREATIVE 9. There is no one correct Solution! The whole project phases may defer from one group to another. So, the more you analyze your project and submit your milestones on time, the more you’ll ensure you are on the correct track. 10. Do not hesitate to ask I’m here to share you the experience. Requirements part2: 1. Characterize the company’s current KM status. (min. 2 pages) o Identify and describe existing KM initiatives at each of the following levels: Individual Group/Community of Practice Organization o Use the Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model (or other KM model of your choice) to describe what needs to happen within each of the 4 quadrants in order for the company to succeed with its KM goals.