How to Stop and Prevent Cyberbullying in Social Media
Cyberbullying is one of the significant new-age problems brought about by the impulsive spread of technology. When individual abuses information about another person, making them feel uncomfortable because of ridicules and unnecessary negative attention; through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or even WhatsApp then this is what we term as cyberbullying. Instances of cyberbullying include hacking other people’s profiles and posting negative things which attract the wrong type of attention, posting negative comments about someone to tarnish their reputation, or even creating pseudo accounts and harassing individuals with certain information you know about them that they would not like to be recognized by the public (Wang 1).
Cyberbullying, which is aimed at manipulating, harassing, and defaming other individuals, has become a prevalent issue nowadays. People from all walks of life are being cyberbullied day in day out. The effects of cyberbullying are so diverse at times in that they cause the death of the victims, emotional torture, depression, and the feeling of not being good enough in some individuals. People who are victims of this situation often doubt themselves and are on the lookout of stares from people because the internet makes it so easy for the rumors peddled about them to spread like a bush fire. The cyberbullies are not solely people strange to us; in some cases, the bullying comes from people we know or are close to us. Ways to spread cyberbullying include; keeping personal information such as phone numbers and home addresses away from social media platforms. Secondly, people should avoid being evident on social media, avoid engaging in conversations that reveal information about oneself (Wang 2).
In conclusion, keeping ourselves informed is so important in stopping cyberbullies. Every child or student should be imparted with the necessary information about how to avoid or even cope with cyberbullies in instances where they can’t avoid the bullies. Again, cyberbullies can be reported instantly, and action was taken against then so that other people with similar intentions refrain from online harassment.
Work Cited
Wang, Sai. “Standing Up Or Standing By: Bystander Intervention In Cyberbullying On Social Media”. New Media & Society, 2020, p. 146144482090254. SAGE Publications, doi:10.1177/1461444820902541.