• 2500 word CRITICAL essay
• Harvard Referencing
• Articles, journals, books as sources ( 15-20 sources)
How is fashion responding to the sustainability imperative? Research and critically analyse a strategy
used by a current fashion brand or brands, assessing its effectiveness in supporting positive change in the
short and long term.
• Identify sustainable strategy and analyse it (Check the PPT Week5 slides provided)
-Slow Fashion (my 1st choice)
Contact me please to discuss what strategy you are going to analyze
• Do not necessarily focus on the brand, just mention and give examples (Reformation brand?)
• Explain what is the strategy
• Locate the strategy within product/industry
• Facts and statistics about fashion industry (pollution, turnover etc) can be additional visuals- graphs/
• Facts about Fast Fashion industry (social, environmental and financial)
• Discuss sustainability as big phenomenon, big problem and opportunity
• Discuss Triple Bottom Line theory (Slides PPT week 4)
• How Sustainability impacts socially, financially and environmentally
• Critically Analyze the strategy (Slow Fashion)
• How it is being implemented?
• Advantages/ Limitations of the strategy
• Question how effective the strategy is ?
• Assess the effectiveness of the strategy in short and long term
Bibliographical References (Sustainability)
Ø Fletcher, K. 2007. Slow Fashion. [online] The Ecologist. Available at:
Ø Fletcher, K. 2008. Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys. London: Earthscan
Ø Honoré, C. 2004. In Praise of Slowness: How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of
Speed. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.
Ø Johansson, E. 2010. Slow fashion. The Answer for a Sustainable Fashion Industry? [online] Available
at: http://bada.hb.se/bitstream/2320/6776/1/2010.9.15.pdf
Ø Pookulangara, S., Shephard, A. 2013. ‘Slow fashion movement: Understanding consumer perceptions
—An exploratory study’ in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(2), 200-206. [online]
Available at: https://www.homeworkmarket.com/sites/default/files/qx/15/04/26/02/slow_fashion_0.pdf