Submission method: Turnitin – so will be checked for plagiarism
Personal Dissertation structural guidance from my tutor:
Contents page
Literature Review
Main Body
Potential topics
•. How do musics go from being underground to commercial being commodified
• The transition from Experimental music to popular music (technology, culture…etc.); How do experimental
approaches become part of popular culture
• Electronic music
• Case study of three instances of experimental electronic music influences popular music.
Can also explore:
Some if the instances of experimental music:
Sound collage
Found sound
Radio glitch
Musicians like:
John Cage – radio Glitch to FX Twins
Ichiyanagi – experimental music
Britney Spears – Holding against me
Stock house use of sporadic sound – Beatles tomorrow never know
Found sound – Billie Eilish bad guy (look up for a video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpx2-EMfdbg
Electronic music which came from the experimental tradition
Be aware of distinguishing between ‘electronic’ and ‘experimental’ music.
General Dissertation Guidance and extra information on the format of the writing can be found in the
attachment provided. Do not hesitate to merge those two guidances/structures together and look out for
further guidance in the file attached.
Another attachment is an audio clip of the potential topics and a number of ways to approach this dissertation
including academic texts, artists and music genres that have been provided by my tutor. I will be sending it
separately as it is a bigger file.
Words can be 10% less or 10% more of the assigned amount of 7,500 and the minimum number of sources
not less than 15 academic texts, books , publishings, magazines and articles