Describe how and why the United States became a superpower from the Spanish American War to the Present topic: Describe how and why the United States became a superpower from the Spanish American War to the present and explain the historical relationships between foreign policy and domestic affairs. Here is an example research question: “How did the United States’ naval technology help it become a superpower?” guidelines Your paper needs to be between 1500 and 1700 words. You must use APA format. It must be 12 pt., times new roman font and double-spaced throughout the paper. It must have one-inch margins (top, bottom, and both sides) and no extra lines between paragraphs. The reference page is to reflect APA format. your sources must be books written by historians or articles that are peer-reviewed (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by historians. If you do not know what this means then contact me. I shall be looking for citations from these sources in your essay. If for some reason, as you are constructing your essay you wish to abandon or add a source, then you will have to let me know and give me a reason for doing so. Please contact Cerro Coso library for assistance. They have online full-text databases like the JSTOR site, which is a great resource for finding historical essays. Here are others that you can use America: History and Life, Annals of American History, History Reference Center. Please use these sites to help you find articles and or books. If you do this portion of the assignment correctly and meet the deadline you will receive up to ten points.