Educational Research Professional Project
Formatting and Submission
The first (cover) page of the research project should be set out as follows:
Title of research project
A N Other (Student Number: 000000000)
A research project submitted for the Programme Title (e.g. Masters in Education)
Department of Education
The second page should contain the following statement:
I hereby confirm that the work I have submitted for assessment is entirely my own. I certify that the origin and provenance of all the materials in this submission that is not my own work has been identified and acknowledged. No materials are included for which academic credit has been previously conferred upon me.
Signed Date
A N Other
Subsequent pages should include the following sections, each of which must start on a new page:
The Abstract
This should be a summary of the content of the thesis and should not be longer than 300 words.
Contents page
This should be a listing of the contents of the thesis, giving page numbers for each section and chapter, and is best presented in tabulated form.
This is where you have the opportunity to thank the people and organisations who have assisted in your work;
Chapter 1
Introduction, organisational context and research objectives;
Chapter 2
Literature review;
Chapter 3
Research Methodology (account of sources, methods of analysis, theory to be applied);
Chapter 4
Findings, analysis and evaluation
Chapter 5
Conclusion and, if appropriate, recommendations.
NB Appendix Ethics Discussion and Agreement must be included
A single font style and size should be used for main text throughout. The font size may be increased (slightly) for headings.
The preferred font is one of:
Calibri 11 or 12 point;
Arial 10 point;
Times New Roman 12 point.
Line spacing should be 1.5. All pages should be numbered consecutively from the beginning. Each chapter must be started on a new page.
A digital copy must be submitted via Turnitin to the Educational Research Professional Project online classroom by the deadline.
Students must keep a copy of their final pieces of coursework. You are advised to keep any notes and records kept of data collected, for example completed questionnaires, tape recordings of interviews etc. University officials, including the External Examiner, may wish to see evidence of your work to verify authenticity.