Use headings, art (visuals and/or lists), typography, and spacing to enhance the document.
Format the document as a formal proposal, including front matter (cover letter, cover page, table of contents, list of tables and figures, executive summary/abstract) and appendices (as necessary).
Organization and Content
The grant proposal should have the following opening, body, and closing.
Open the document with a direct approach that gives the purpose of the document and briefly contextualize the nonprofit/researcher/business.
Given an agenda (forecast/roadmap) of the content in the proposal.
Follow the headings that your grant/RFP stipulates. Your RFP may also call for additional (or fewer) sections. Ensure all slots/components discussed in Cobb & Divine are included within your sections.
Slot Section
Situation Needs Statement
Research Context (literature review) or Population and Organizational Context
Research Questions or Question Component
Overriding Problem
Effects of Overriding Problem
Objectives Statement of Goals and Objectives with Funding Request
Academic example: “To fill this research gap, we will {state goal [s]). To fulfill this/these goal(s), we request $(amount). As a result of this research, [forecast benefits].”
Nonprofit example: “To meet this need, we will {state goal[s]). To meet this/these goal(s), we request $(amount). As a result of meeting this need, [forecast benefits].”
Methods Project or Product Description
Evaluation Plan
Sustainability Plan (if applicable)
Dissemination Plan (if applicable)
Qualifications Organizational Profile: common subsections include the following:
Mission, Goals, Objectives
Management and Staffing
Facilities and Equipment
Costs Budget Narrative
Opening that states the budget’s story
Body that gives the budget table and explains key points
Closing that restates the budget’s story
Benefits Benefits
Benefits associated with the process
Benefits associated with achieving the desired result
Benefits beyond the desired result (if applicable)
Cite secondary sources and use data (primary or secondary) to support claims as appropriate.
Use APA standards for citations. If another documentation system is more appropriate, speak with me about it.
Summarize main points and invite the reader to further communication
Use formal and professional English writing conventions.
Avoid errors in grammar, capitalization, spelling, mechanics, and usage.
When citing sources, paraphrase or directly quote passages or ideas using good integration techniques.
Submit the document with the correct file name and file type (lastname_grantproposal) to the correct assignment module on Canvas by the due date.