Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on how about anti/post/de/globalization. Globalisation has created a profound impact on developed countries than it has done to less developed countries. Poorer nations have had to contend with shortages in technological advancements, low levels of capital, reduced output and even business. The impacts of globalisation are far reaching. it can lead to homogenisation where individuals consume comparable foods, dress in similar ways, and do almost everything in a similar fashion.
The global media and communication technology creates a vital interplay in connecting and informing people of their surroundings. Communication as a tool has made the world a global village. However, globalisation suffers a major setback where affordability and availability of the means of communication and transportation technology is a challenge. To maintain harmony and equality in the face of globalisation, media flows must be in line with the modern global options of information transmittance. It has to provide the capacity for all participants to access information. This study, therefore, seeks to unveil and focus on the different types of media flows and dissemination of information across borders in the world. In addition, the significance of maintaining a country’s originality of information for national prominence is of focus. This is because many countries are unable to maintain a stable flow of information, and it results in inconsistencies and poor flow of information. Of major concern in the arena of globalisation today is the spirit of anti-globalisation movement, and its development.
Dotcom. (2012, August 2). Does anyone know what comes after globalisation? [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://www.trade2win.com/boards/economic-fundamental-analysis/158932-does-anyone-know-what-comes-after-globalisation.html
This article discusses the impacts of globalisation. The main theme that is brought out of this discussion is the effects globalisation will create after it has taken place.