The topic is International Business and I need a 15minute presentation and then a 2000 word report on the
same topic.
The question is “Do cultural differneces between Turkey and UK affect business relationships” (both
negatively and positively)
The marking critera is:
Learning Outcome Method Assessment Criteria
1. Application of different perspectives in contemporary, international and global business issues
Presentation to Peers
Report 1. justified rationale for selecting contemporary global topic of interest
2. knowledge of understanding how inter-connecting issues affect the global topic
3. application of comparative and contrasting theory
2. Assessment of the significance of operating globally and impact on the workplace
Presentation to Peers
1. evidence of understanding the significance of operating in today’s global economy
2. logical approach in assessing the impact of global issues on the workplace
3. use of wide range of diverse and relevant literature
3. Critical evaluation of the benefits and limitations of approaches to managing globally
Presentation to Peers
1. evaluation is critical for both benefits and limitations
2. realistic conclusions and recommendations have been made for managing global operations
4. Application of global economy and emerging issues within organisational decision making
Presentation to Peers
1. solid incorporation of contemporary global economy issues within recommendations
2. well-structured and convincing paper with critical argument and realistic conclusions and