The project must be presented in the following order:
(i) Cover, first page and spine (see example attached).
(ii) 2 abstracts, in Portuguese and English, with a maximum of 250 words each, with 4 keywords and 2
classifications of the JEL Classification System (optional in case of submission of a project).
(iii) Index. This can include index of tables and figures and list of abbreviations/glossary.
Acknowledgements, dedication and references to financing are to be made on a separate page prior to the
(iv) An executive summary in Portuguese with a maximum of 1000 words (It is not required when a
dissertation or case study).
(v) Main text not exceeding 75 pages other than in exceptional and justified cases.
(vi) Bibliography.
(vii) Annexes.
The printing of the dissertation should comply with the following general rules:
• A4 white paper, 80g. or recycled equivalent.
• White card cover with black print and adhesive binding.
• Pages of the text in black print on front and back of page, 1.5-line spacing and divided in sections with
Arabic numeration.
• Foot notes to be used in moderation with 1-line spacing, font size 10.
• Font size: 12.
• Font: Times New Roman.
• Margins: minimum of 2.5 cm on the four sides.
• Page numbers from the Index to the Introduction: Romanic numerals, bottom right.
• Header: it is recommended the inclusion of a (shortened) project title.
• Footer: not to be used except for page numbering, Arabic numerals, bottom right; page numbers for
Annexes should continue the main text numeration.
2.1 Cover, first page and spine
See annex with example.
2.2 Equations
Equations should be highlighted and numbered with Arabic numeration with a number in brackets on the
right of the equation
2.3 References
The presentation of references should be in accordance with the examples below:
“The biggest market segment is the ethical or prescription market (Mossialos, 1994)”
“Research by Mossialos (1994) has provided evidence that…”.
“…the chosen competitive position for the firm’s brand is achieved in the minds of target costumers (Dibb et
al., 2001; Kotler, 2000; Winer and Moore, 1989)”.
In the case of a direct quote:
“Nelson (1993: 45) refers that “…regional distribution is good when compared with the Department of
Health and Social Security…
“…people adopt the traditional view of “…more reason in decision making” (Damásio, 1999: 183)”
2.4 Bibliographic References
The bibliography should have 1-line spacing, Font Times Roman, size 12 and comply with the following
Alphabetize references by the last name of a sole author, a first author, or an editor, or by the name of a
corporate author or periodical (such as the Wall Street Journal) if there is no human author or editor. Order
works by an identical author by year of publication, listing the earliest first. If the years of publication are
also the same, differentiate entries by adding small letters (“a,” “b,” etc.) after the years. Repeat the author’s
name for each entry