Research topic identification and initial bibliography
This is an exercise upon which your life does not depend. It’s an exercise in researching. You can and will change your mind
along the way, and that’s part of the process. So just dive in somewhere that looks interesting.
Identify a realm of architectural enquiry that piques your curiosity.
Articulate two (2) relevant theoretical frameworks in relationship to this realm of enquiry, whether they are ones we
introduced/discussed or others. They are intended to inform your critical thinking and, conceivably, critical practice.
To launch this enquiry, compile a nascent bibliography, formatted following the Chicago Manual of Style. This must include:
• 5 scholarly journal articles
§ Include the abstract in “ “ marks, indented.
• 2 books
§ Include the abstract in “ “ marks, indented.
You needn’t have read the books, but you must have made an informed selection based upon the abstracts or published
critical reviews of the book.
If you are ambitious, read one book’s introduction, and write a one-paragraph synopsis of the book’s primary aims based
upon the introduction.
Key word searches
Avery Index of Architectural Periodicals (under https://libguides.library.arizona.edu/az.php)
Exporting bibliographic information from the library platform & managing citations with citation software (i.e. EndNote,…)
Chicago Manual of Style (easy to export the bibliographic info in the UA Library website)