Rubric for Respiration Lab Report Spring 2020
General Biology I Lab – IRSC
Title page Title includes a reference of the Experiments that were conducted in some manner; be specific and concise
• Authors name
• Class reference number
• Course Name
• Date 2
Abstract Quick synopsis of the whole report (can be a few sentences) that includes your findings and conclusions.
Introduction Paragraph (or 2) including:
• Background information – talk about respiration as if the reader has no knowledge of it
• What is the process of respiration?
• What respires?
• Different types/methods of respiration?
• What can effect respiration? Etc.
MUST “cite” these statements if not your original discovery or thought
• Statement outlining purpose of the experiment; why are we conducting EACH of these experiments?
• What organisms are we using to test respiration?
MUST “cite” these statements if not your original discovery or thought
Statement outlining purpose of the experiment; why are we conducting EACH of these experiments? 8
Hypotheses Statement clearly stating the hypotheses for each experiment conducted 8
Materials & Methods Include all experiments – “cite” the lab manual if you choose to use as a reference 4
Results (including data) Include correct data you derived from conducting your experiments in all Tables
Insert the correct data into both tables and graphs
Correctly label the graphs
• Title at top
• Label for x-axis
• Label for y-axis 12
Discussion & Conclusions Evaluate the outcome of EACH experiment objectively ***have a paragraph for each experiment
• Was your hypothesis supported or not?
• What was occurring in each experiment? How does it relate to what you know about respiration?
• Did everything work as expected? Why? Why not?
• Would you do anything different next time? 12
References/ Works Cited List Authors you cite in Alphabetical order. See page 53 in lab manual for specifics 1
Grammar and Neatness Complete Sentences and thoughts, Good Grammar, Neatness, correct Punctuation 1
This will count as 50 pts (or 12.5% of your final course grade) and must be uploaded to BlackBoard two weeks prior to taking Practical 3.