To assess your understanding regarding the use of tools as well as digital marketing techniques for an organization of your choice.
Action Items
1 Explain the role of cloud computing, traceability, RFID and other ERP solutions.
2 Discuss the industry response towards the use of ICT and various tools discussed above.
3 To apply critical thinking by the students.
4 Evaluate the effectiveness of E-Procurement and E-Auction.
5 Also analyze your business and process as per below points:
Here students are advised to discuss at least 2 points mentioned from both the categories (Usability Modeling of ICT and other resources (UM) and Web-enabled Supply Chains (WEB) or as per the requirements.
Usability Modeling of ICT and other resources (UM)
6 Finding the optimal solution
7 Cost and Schedule Analysis
8 Recommending and Implementing the resources
Web-enabled Supply Chains (WEB)
1 A Web-enabled Procurement System
2 A Web-enabled order tracking system
3 Warehouse Management System
4 Customer Relationship Management
1. Each students will have one Project.
2. Each question should be highlighted separately and mark those question in BOLD, Else marks would be deducted.
3. Project will be based on the implementation of the e-supply chain and logistics in real world.
4. Project will require summarizing, demonstrating, and the use and potential values of Cloud Computing, ERP and others ICT for an organization.
5. The word count for this assignment must be between 1200 – 1500 words.
6. The Due date for the this assignment is Week-13.
7. Students should submit the combined assignment in a hard copy to their instructors.
8. Also follow the instructions given by your instructors.
A (10.0)
B (6.0) Proficient
C (4.0) Basic
D/F (0)
Critical Thinking
· Rich in content
· Full of thought, insight, and analysis
Substantial information Thought, insight, and analysis has taken place
Generally competent Information is thin and commonplace
Rudimentary and superficial No analysis or insight is displayed
Clear connections
To previous or current To real-life situations
New ideas or connections
Lack depth and/or
Limited, if any connections Vague generalities
No connections are made Off topic
· New ideas
· New
· Made with
depth and detail
New ideas or connections
Lack depth and/or
Few, if any new ideas or connections Rehash or summarize other postings
No new ideas “I agree with…” statement
· All required postings
· Early in discussion
· Throughout the discussion
All required postings
Some not in time for others to read and respond
All required postings Most at the last minute without allowing for response time
Some, or all, required postings missing
Few grammatical or
stylistic errors
Several grammatical or stylistic errors
Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors Errors interfere with content
Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors Makes understanding impossible