This weeks textbook reviewed the impact of technology (ch. 7) and pop culture (ch. 8) on how leisure is
experienced in the US. Some have debated the extent to which technology has been “good” for leisure, or
if it detracts from experiencing true leisure (as people increasingly sacrifice other leisure options that get
replaced by mobile devices, and sedentary behavior).
Watch the following video: https://youtu.be/RMg24FBBIsw
What do you think: 1) how has the advancement of computers/internet/tablets/smart phone technology
distracted you from experiencing leisure? 2) Consider how often you “check your phone,” whether its for
email, social media, or texting. How much of your day would you estimate is taken up by your phone? If
you were to put your phone “away” for 24 hours (other than for emergency phone calls) what impact
would it have on you?