Weekly Forum: Greece (Part 2)
Each week, we’re going to use this space to continue our discussions about the weekly topics. This means that we share things pertaining to subjects or topics that are related to this week but might not have come up during our face-to-face discussion.
· What do you want to add to this week’s discussion?
· Which “game changer” you felt was significant and why?
· Do you have articles, videos, or information that would be pertinent to your fellow students (about one this week’s game-changers)?
Examples then response to 2 of them
Greece (Part 2)
by Kyle Marshall – Saturday, February 22, 2020, 5:58 PM
The topic that interested me the most in this weeks class was Protagoras and his believing ” Man is the measure of all things”. Protagoras was the first person to come up with the idea that one’s reality is based on themselves and not outside forces. This was known as Subjectivism. He was also one of the first to teach Relativism, This was the idea of there being no set and stone truth.
Greece Part 2
by Tehya Anguiano – Monday, February 24, 2020, 11:27 PM
These past few weeks I have really enjoyed studying Greece and comparing their cultures with ours. My favorite so far was the video we watch last week on the Greece civilization, I think it was a big eye opener at how unique this country really is/was. I thought an interesting game changer was that the Greeks valued their beauty as much as they did. I compared it to the United States’ beauty and what we all define as beautiful and I found many similarities. Some examples I found was long hair and jewelry. I find all people to be beautiful human beings and I think it is something so unique to value as much as the Greeks do.
Greece (Part 2)
by Anna Brown – Monday, February 24, 2020, 8:40 PM
This week I found the Greek architecture very interesting. I thought it was cool how they made the buildings with a lot of color unlike what a lot of people seem to believe. While I knew that Greek architecture wasn’t 100% white, I didn’t know just how much color there was. I liked that they kept their buildings practical for humans rather than their gods. Lastly, I find the pillars that were often used in their architecture very beautiful and think it’s interesting that all over the world we still use pillars. Below is the Temple of Olympian Zeus as an example of the pillars.
Greece (Part 2)
by Lexy Smith – Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 2:03 PM
My part of the presentation was over ancient Grecian theater. I believe that this game changer was significant because it gave the ancient Greeks a form of expression. I found it interesting that only men could perform in these performances. Also, I wonder if the faces that are associated with theater came from the Grecian masks or the difference between tragedy and comedy.