Please answer the tasks: P1, P2, P4, M1 & M2. Please follow strictly the learning
outcome and assignment criteria on the next page.
Drawings to be prepared by myself or someone in my group (P3)
Our project : The Guts, New Islington – four-bedroom house (residential houses )
Project given for comparision: London Preschool Ltd. Moss Hall Grove (commercial
Compare what construction information is required for each projects, the differencies
in rules being applied, for example: emergency routes and exits, finishes, etc.
Unit Title . Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification)
Submission Format
The submission comprises two related items:
A pack of drawings, details, schedules and specifications representing the construction information required
for a house, chosen from one of the examples on Moodle. The pack should be presented in A3 landscape format,
in a soft folder.
A written evaluation of the construction information prepared for task 1 below, compared with a larger, more
complex project. 1500 words total and fully referenced. (projects details provided).
Bill of quantities can be prepared for a 1m3 of wall, etc. In this case, details of key locations (hand made
drawing to be prepared by myself) basedon what you have found) & bill of quants are to be prepared for a
canopy. Diemnsions: Length 2300mm x Depth/Width: 1500mm. Please find the best suitable prefabricated
canopy, provide an image, use given dimensions & prepare bill of quants. Please follow RICS rules of
measurement – NRM 2.; pdf.file attached).
HNC Construction and the Built Environment 2
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Evaluate different types of construction information in the context of diverse project types
LO2 Develop construction drawings, details, schedules and specifications in support of a given construction
Assignment Brief and Guidance
The scenario –
As a design team, you are required to develop the design of a house, which has just received planning approval,
into a set of construction information. This will form a technical package which will be included as part of
tender documents. These will be released to interested main contractors, who will submit their tenders based
on design and build procurement, using a JCT form of contract. The house will be of load- bearing masonry
construction with a pitched roof.
The submission comprises two related items: all drawings to be prepared by myself or my group
A pack of drawings, details, schedules and specifications representing the construction information required
for a house, chosen from one of the examples on Moodle. The pack should be prepared in groups of 3. The
drawings should be as follows:
Foundation plan (not in my group), floor plans and roof plan (4 drawings) Cross and longitudinal sections (2
Elevations (4 drawings)
Details of key locations (4 drawings)
3D model of the house ( someone else in my group)
A schedule should be prepared for windows or doors ( someone else in my group)
Your schedule of works should be sufficiently detailed for the type of construction and size of dwelling (1 per
Your pack should also include a bill of quantities (1 per student), corresponding with one of the construction
details -> please do it for a prefabricated over door a canopy
A written evaluation of the construction information prepared for task 1, compared with a different type of
project. This project can be taken from your own practice and should be confirmed as acceptable by your tutor.
Your evaluation should include an explanation, description, comp