You are asked to..
Carry out a literature review of a health topic
Identify a research ‘gap’ and specify a question to ‘fill’ the gap
Create a proposal that outlines how you plan to go about answering the question (by collecting PRIMARY data) Repeat: PRIMARY research NOT a secondary review.
LO 1 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application of research in the student’s area (s) of study
LO2 Compile, analyse and utilise a literature review for the design of a data collection instrument
LO3 Identify a suitable sampling strategy aligned to the appropriate research method
LO4 Produce an appropriate data collection instrument, which is underpinned by current academic literature.
May be something we still don’t know (extension of previous research)
May be that there are conflicting findings, so need some certainty/clarification
May be different methodological approach will yield new insights
May be previous research can be applied to different population (e.g. age group, ethnic group, geographical region)
Contents Page
* Background/Rationale
* Literature Review
– Search strategy
– Study Evaluation
Literature Review