The active solution checks your progress with the topic of choice and how you have researched ideas. Your topic paragraph focused upon the problem you wanted to detail about sexual assaults on campuses. Your annotated bibliography (due March 27, 2020 – see excel document for details) showed what research you have found that you plan on using.
This assignment asks you to link your problem to a possible solution. Active solution means the type of solution available that is workable and demonstrated as effective in research. This means you must cite to why and how this solution works as well as explain what it is. This is the ultimate goal for the paper.
For this assignment, write two paragraphs that showcases your understanding and interpretation of a good solution found in your research about the topic. Start the assignment with a problem statement and thesis so I know what you are researching. Write the two paragraphs for support with APA citation. It needs to include 10 specific references for the solution.
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Some help:
• An Evidence-Based Review of Sexual Assault Preventive Intervention Programs (Sept 2004)
• https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/prevention.html
• https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4699676/
• Sexual Assault Kits http://NIJ.gov/unsubmitted-kits
• https://www.chronicle.com/article/How-3-Colleges-Changed-Their/244777
• Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and. Universities Are Doing About It. (2005)