~ 300-500 words, weight 5%
Topic: Ethical consumption: comparing products, comparing ratings.
For this part of the assignment, you will explore “civil regulation” of CSR in practice. Your task is to
choose two branded products and see how “ethical” they are according to the ratings provided by
following sites:
Ethical Shopping Guide https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/
Good on You Ethical ratings on fashion and apparel https://goodonyou.eco/
Shop Ethical https://www.ethical.org.au/theguide/
W. Norman and C. MacDonald. 2004. “Getting to the Bottom of ‘Triple Bottom Line,'” Business Ethics
Quarterly 14(2) (April): 243-62.
This section of the assignment does not need to argue a thesis. The grade will be based on how thoughtful,
cogent and clearly written it is.
~1200-1500 words, weight 15%
Topic: Law and CSR codes in global supply chains
In this section you will compare and assess two proposed Canadian laws: Bills C-378 (2011) and C-423
(2018). Both of these proposed laws, which are discussed in lecture 19, are intended to address labour
exploitation in the supply chains of Canadian companies. Both were private member’s bills (i.e.,
introduced by MPs who were not cabinet ministers at the time), and neither bill has been passed into law.