Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on community college districts: the laccd. The Mission of the Education Support Services Division is to provide District and its colleges with strategic support by providing them with the information, assistance, and guidance necessary to achieve their mission and goals.
 .LACCD also receives income from property tax, Federal funds, lottery funds, local revenues such as donations, fees on commercial or residential construction. special elections for parcel taxes and interest on investments.
 .Each year, the action plans derived from these goals and objectives are evaluated and reported to the Board to determine, which activities have been the most effective in moving the LACCD forward. In addition, the action plans will identify a district strategic plan (DSP) objectives that will require additional effort. These reports inform the Board’s annual goal-setting process, which in turn shapes college and district planning priorities and initiatives. The DSP is evaluated and revised every six years. Diagram 2 in the list of appendices depicts the relationship between the District and the college-level-strategic planning and budgeting in the LACCD.
 .In gathering perceptions about the District from the various focus groups, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) technique was used for collecting this information by breaking down the responses into four broad categories.