Do Not plagiarize the articles. Please write an Original Paper based on the Scholarly Articles. Understandably, some information cannot be paraphrased especially Quantitative Data/Statistics, however DO NOT Plagiarize, please cite intext.
Although it is APA Style, include page numbers intext where you took information from and I will delete later.
American English
All of the articles are provided. I think that the paper can be written in 10 pages, however you can write up to 12 if needed.
APA Cover Page
Introduction (approximately ½ – 1 page)
Article 1 by Flippin, 2010 (approximately 1.5 pages)
Article 2 by Mukhopadhyay, 2009 (approximately 2 pages)
Article 3 by Taryadi, 2018 (approximately 1.5 pages)
Article 4 by Travis, 2010 (approximately 2 pages)
Comparison/Discussion/Conclusion (2 pages)
References (Pretyped)
For EACH Article, provide the following:
A. Summary
B. Results
C. A Comparison in the Discussion/Conclusion Section, please compare the studies and the studies’ results.
For Each Study/Scholarly Article, write a Summary of the Study and address the following questions:
1. What is the motivation(s) for the study.
2. What type of research is the study; Qualitative and/or Quantitative?
3. Participants (describe the participants)
4. The hypothesis/hypotheses
5. The research questions
6. The research study design
i. Type of design (e.g., between groups, correlational, experimental, descriptive, etc.)
ii. Dependent measure(s)
iii. Independent variables (number, levels)
iv. Controls or Lack of Controls
7. Procedure (steps taken in enough detail that another researcher could replicate your study)
8. Measures (list your stimuli, measures, apparatus, etc.)
9. Coding (if applicable)
10. Qualitative Analyses and/or Quantitative Data analysis (statistical methods used to address your research hypothesis/hypotheses) What types of Statistics were present in the study used? For example, HLM, Anova, Manova, Regression.
11. Results
12. Interpretation in light of the hypothesis/hypotheses