Please see assignment instructions as there are a few requirements that need to be in the assignment. • Use
headings for part A & B
• Include an introduction and conclusion (the word limit of your total essay must remain within
+ or – 10% of 1500 words = 1350-1750 words)
• Write in third person tense
• Referencing APA version 6.
• Suggestions for minimum of 10 quality references, for example:
o 2crediblewebsites
o 2governmentorganisations
o 6-7peerreviewedjournalarticles o 1textbook
• Resources available to assist with this assessment task: Peer Learning Advisor (PLA); Studiosity;
• For Part B it is suggested you review the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered
Nurse Standards for Practice, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
and the National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS), standard 2, ‘Partnering with Consumers’ as
a foundation for your discussion.
• Dot points are not to be used.
Please see assignment instructions as there are a few requirements that need to be in the assignment. • Use
headings for part A & B
• Include an introduction and conclusion (the word limit of your total essay must remain within
+ or – 10% of 1500 words = 1350-1750 words)
• Write in third person tense
• Referencing APA version 6.
• Suggestions for minimum of 10 quality references, for example:
o 2crediblewebsites
o 2governmentorganisations
o 6-7peerreviewedjournalarticles o 1textbook
• Resources available to assist with this assessment task: Peer Learning Advisor (PLA); Studiosity;
• For Part B it is suggested you review the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered
Nurse Standards for Practice, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
and the National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS), standard 2, ‘Partnering with Consumers’ as
a foundation for your discussion.
• Dot points are not to be used
Please see assignment instructions as there are a few requirements that need to be in the assignment. • Use
headings for part A & B
• Include an introduction and conclusion (the word limit of your total essay must remain within
+ or – 10% of 1500 words = 1350-1750 words)
• Write in third person tense
• Referencing APA version 6.
• Suggestions for minimum of 10 quality references, for example:
o 2crediblewebsites
o 2governmentorganisations
o 6-7peerreviewedjournalarticles o 1textbook
• Resources available to assist with this assessment task: Peer Learning Advisor (PLA); Studiosity;
• For Part B it is suggested you review the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered
Nurse Standards for Practice, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
and the National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS), standard 2, ‘Partnering with Consumers’ as
a foundation for your discussion.
• Dot points are not to be used..
Please see assignment instructions as there are a few requirements that need to be in the assignment. • Use
headings for part A & B
• Include an introduction and conclusion (the word limit of your total essay must remain within
+ or – 10% of 1500 words = 1350-1750 words)
• Write in third person tense
• Referencing APA version 6.
• Suggestions for minimum of 10 quality references, for example:
o 2crediblewebsites
o 2governmentorganisations
o 6-7peerreviewedjournalarticles o 1textbook
• Resources available to assist with this assessment task: Peer Learning Advisor (PLA); Studiosity;
• For Part B it is suggested you review the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered
Nurse Standards for Practice, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
and the National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS), standard 2, ‘Partnering with Consumers’ as
a foundation for your discussion.
• Dot points are not to be used.